Technical Support Priority Levels
Each support request shall be assigned a priority upon receipt by ComplyAdvantage.
The Technical Support team will verify that the assigned priority aligns with the definitions outlined below.
If you are unsure of the correct priority, submit a request via the support portal and the team will triage accordingly.
For any Priority 1 incident, you should email For Priorities 2 through 4, you should email If you email, the case will default to Priority 3.
Priority 1: Issues causing critical, immediate impact with no workaround.
- Examples: Complete system outage, significant performance issues affecting all users, or total inability to access the application.
Priority 2: Issues causing significant business impact, but with a potential workaround, or issues that will imminently cause critical disruption.
- Examples: Inability to view cases, significant performance degradation, inability to remediate entity results, misconfigured transaction rules or alerts, Multi-Factor Authentication failures, delayed/missing webhooks, or API errors preventing customer creation.
Priority 3: Issues impacting non-core business functions with a workaround available.
- Examples: Requests to create a ComplyAdvantage Mesh account, adjusting account-level settings, difficulties with spreadsheet uploads/exports, or errors in client/account administration.
Priority 4: Issues with minimal impact or those where a workaround can be provided within the next calendar month.
- Examples: Questions about product documentation or functionality, user invites/account creation, or minor cosmetic interface issues.
Please note: The examples provided above are for illustrative purposes and are subject to change. If you require further clarification, please consult with the support team.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the Submit a Request form, you'll be able to select your own priority.
If you email the case will default to priority 3.