Cases can be sorted in ascending or descending order across the following columns:
- Case type
- Customer (name)
- Customer risk
- Risk type
- Items (the number of items that a user needs to review in the case)
- Modified
- Created
Ascending order means smallest to largest, 0 to 9, oldest to most recent, or A to Z.
Descending order means largest to smallest, 9 to 0, most recent to oldest, or Z to A.
To sort by a column click its name header:
- By default the case list is sorted by the Created column, with the most recently created case at the top.
- To reverse the list and display the oldest customers at the top of the list (to sort the Created column in ascending order), click the Created column header. Keep clicking the column header to toggle between descending and ascending order.
- To sort by any other column, click the column name. Keep clicking on the column name to toggle between ascending and descending order.
To sort by assignee use the assignee filter.